Welcome! A Bridge of Magpies is a blog about culture and politics. Comments are welcome. Also, prophesies, curses, symbolic executions. Presuming I survive, I will always respond.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Now We Know

What are we to do now? What can we do now? What will we do now? What is left to us now? My voice weakens before the questions run out, before there are answers, before history ends itself, before we disappear.  So will we be mutes in our final phase? Is it possible to be mute and yet continue chattering with each other? Will it be possible to be deaf and yet hear words spoken to us? Now we know.  Now we know into what rabbit hole we will disappear. It is the great glittering hope of a pure and perfect intelligence––we no longer hope to be human, to be human is to be some sort of laughable joke that is a broken piece of flesh and bone dragged across history for the last time, always in error, making every bad form of government and every wrong turn and bringing to light every possible cruelty. Already we move into the future with the sense that the judgment has already been placed upon us, but we cannot articulate this unspoken sense of judgement, we don’t know what it means, we don’t know what’s changed.  But everything is given over now to the infernal machine, to operations that take our very indifference and feed upon it and play with it. Watch us now.  Watch us as we go down.   Like that  swarming holocaust of pigs invoked by  Dostoyevsky in The Devils, quoted from Luke in that unholy exorcism in which the swine take in to their souls legion demons who once possessed a man and are driven wild by their own squealing and rush head long over a gorge to their deaths made mad by these demons.  We have survived long enough and made enough mistakes and proven ourselves so completely beyond redemption that there will be no mourning, there will not be even any notice.

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